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jueves, 7 de enero de 2021

Concertgebouworkest - Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 - Complete performance

¿Por qué las estrellas de nuestra galaxia no chocan?

¿Las estrellas del firmamento se mueven? por qué no chocan las estrellas de nuestra galaxia Vía Láctea si hay tantas? En nuestro Sistema Solar son comunes las colisiones y el Sol mantiene una velocidad respecto al agujero negro galáctico.

African Wildlife in 8K - Discover Botswana Wild World - Relax Video + Af...

Discover the unique biodiversity of Botswana and feel part of this wonderfully wild world! One of the best destinations in the world for a wildlife safari, Botswana! Turn on this 8K african wildlife video and you will see a huge number of unique animals and birds! Encounter with the lions, hippos, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, hyenas will be unforgettable! And this is not the whole list of all the local wild animals. In addition, there are more than 500 recorded species of birds that flourish across this area. You will have a unique chance to dive into Botswana wild world, put the rarest animals in the world under the microscope, and discover them just beyond your grasp! Explore some extreme wildlife habitats, from the arid salt pans to the wetland ‘swamps’ and the luscious flood plains!


Carmen Hernández, colombiana de Buenos Aires morena

La cantante colombiana Carmen Hernández acaba de sacar al mercado nuevo sencillo, ‘De Buenos Aires morena”, milonga de la compositora Carmen Guzmán, como aperitivo del nuevo álbum que saldrá a la venta en breve.