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viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021


Ebbene sì, finalmente pure la 16° edizione della fiera del modellismo a Verona si è conclusa nei migliori di modi, regalando sorprese e non solo. In questo video potrete vedere ogni tipo di convoglio e loco, dalle loco a vapore (37:00) alle composizioni più strane come ad esempio E494 Locoitalia con carrozze ICN e ICG (58:10) o anche D143 con container GTS (55:36) ecc. Principalmente vedrete anche vari espositori con novità sia riguardante i locomotori che le vetture come ad esempio ACME, Vitrains, Pi.Ra.Ta., Lo.Co. e Piko. Queste è solo una delle 4 parti riguardanti la fiera, nei prossimi giorni infatti usciranno le restanti riguardante la categoria Lego, Aerei, auto, camion e navi. Detto ciò vi lascio al video e vi auguro una buona visione!

Mozart - Die Entführung aus dem Serail Opera (ref.recording: Josef Krips...

SYNOPSIS The opera is set in Turkey, in the grounds of Pasha Selim's palace by the sea. Overture. ACT ONE Belmonte, a young Spanish nobleman, has come in search of his beloved Konstanze, who has been carried off by pirates and sold as a slave to the Pasha, together with her English maid Blonde and Belmonte's savant, Pedrillo. Belmonte is in the square in front of the Palace, and sings of his joy at the prospect of perhaps seeing Konstanze again. But how can he gain access to the palace? Osmin, overseer of the Pasha's palace, an-ives to pick figs. He sings to himself a ditty about the dangers of leaving one's lady-love unattended. Between its verses Belmonte fries to catch his attention. He is eventually told that Pedrillo is there, but there is instant dislike on Belmonte's part and misfrust on Osmin's as he pushes Belmonte off the premises. Pedrillo, who is now in charge of the Pasha's gardens, is routinely insulted by Osmin, and asks what he has done to desave such treatment. Osmin tells him he is sure he is a spy and has designs on the womenfolk; he vows in the name of the Prophet that he will kill him. With a final insult and repeating his bloodthirsty threats, Osmin leaves. Belmonte reappears and is overjoyed to see Pedrillo. The latter recounts his adventures and confirms that Konstanze and Blonde are in fact in the palace. Belmonte has a ship moored in the harbour but Pedrillo says it won't be easy to get the ladies out. When the Pasha retums he will introduce Belmonte and get him taken on as an architect. Pedrillo goes to meet the Pasha. Belmonte sings of his mounting excitement now that he is to be reunited with Konstanze. Pasha Selim and his suite, including Konstanze, arive. Selim, left alone with Konstanze, bewails her continuing sadness and rejection of him, and says he wants her to love him of her own free will. Konstanze laments the loss of her happiness in love, before leaving. Selim says he has given Konstanze enough time: tomorrow she must decide. Pedrillo comes back with Belmonte and duly effects the introduction. Selim agrees to give Belmonte a trial. He leaves, and the enraged Osmin fries to prevent the two Spaniards from entering the palace, eventually without success.

Alejandro Baliñas y Carlos Sanchís, debut en la Academia de la Opera de ...

El pianista Carlos Sanchís y el barítono-bajo Alejandro Baliñas debutaban este miércoles 29 de octubre en un recital en el Anfiteatro Olivier Messiaen de la Opera Bastilla. Primer concierto de la temporada de la Academia de la Opera de Paris, a la que acaban de ser integrados.

Nathalie Huerta, directora del teatro Jean Vilar de Vitry sur Seine

La franco-mexicana Nathalie Huerta abre una nueva temporada como directora del Teatro Jean Vilar de Vitry sur Seine, localidad aledaña a París, con cierta normalidad después de dos años de cierre debido a la pandemia.