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lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

SpaceX Crew Dragon Docking | Crew-2 Astronauts Arrive at the ISS REPLAY

After a successful launch into orbit yesterday, SpaceX’s Dragon Endeavour spacecraft is about to dock with the International Space Station. Watch as astronauts Kimbrough, McArthur, Hoshide, and Pesquet join the crew aboard the ISS. NASA's SpaceX Crew-2 Dragon docking was scheduled at 5:10 a.m. EDT, (9:10 UTC). Hatch opening at 7:15 a.m. EDT (11:15 UTC), and welcoming ceremony at 7:45 a.m. EDT 11:45 UTC).

El violoncelista Claudio Bohórquez 'live' en RFI

El violoncelista Claudio Bohórquez nos acaba de ofrecer en El invitado de RFI 'El cant dels ocells', canción popular catalana, con su violoncielo Giovanni Battista Rogeri de 1687.

Gustav Mahler: Two songs after Friedrich Rückert | Elena Zhidkova (mezzo...

Elena Zhidkova (mezzo-soprano) and Nikolaus Rexroth (piano) perform two Lieder by Gustav Mahler, both based on poems by Friedrich Rückert; Liebst du um Schönheit (Lov'st thou but beauty), and Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (O garish world, long since thou hast lost me). They formed part of a 2020 concert held in the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall in Yekaterinburg, Russia. . Mahler presented both Lieder in 1905 as part of the series Sieben Lieder aus letzter Zeit (Seven Songs of Latter Days). Two of these were musical renderings of texts from Des Knaben Wunderhorn, and the other five were composed as adaptations of poems by Friedrich Rückert. These five Rückert pieces are often performed as a song cycle, despite being written as independent, stand-alone Lieder for voice accompanied by piano, or orchestra