En la primera foto vemos el anuncio en la segunda foto vemos la suspensión del anuncio de independencia. jl
Yo no se que dialogo quieren los independentistas de Cataluña que no son mayoría. Primero quieren a toda costa una independencia que no se les va a dar, segundo una independencia para que, pues si dijéramos que van a estar mejor, pero no, va a ser la ruina para esa región. Los anti-sistema de la CUP hemos visto que tienen un odio feroz a lo que se llame España y lo han sembrado muy bien en las escuelas. Pero esas son cosas que se les pondrá en su contra.
Por otro lado, yo no se a que esta esperando el gobierno de mi país España para actuar judicialmente y policialmente con medidas que tarde o temprano van a tener que hacer y mas vale pronto que tarde. Esta gente en este mes quiere ganar tiempo, no para negociar sino para mover los hilos de Europa y como, pues haciendo lo que están haciendo, mentir. jl
I do not know what dialogue they want the independentistas of Catalonia who are not majority. First they want at all costs an independence that is not going to give them, according to an independence so that, if we say that they will be better, but no, it will be the ruin for that region. The anti-system of the CUP we have seen that they have a ferocious hatred to what is called Spain and they have planted it very well in the schools. But those are things that will be turned against you.
On the other hand, I do not know what is waiting for the government of my country Spain to act judicially and police with measures that sooner or later will have to do and better soon that late. These people in this month want to gain time, not to negotiate but to move the threads of Europe and how, by doing what they are doing, to lie. jl
I do not know what dialogue they want the independentistas of Catalonia who are not majority. First they want at all costs an independence that is not going to give them, according to an independence so that, if we say that they will be better, but no, it will be the ruin for that region. The anti-system of the CUP we have seen that they have a ferocious hatred to what is called Spain and they have planted it very well in the schools. But those are things that will be turned against you.
On the other hand, I do not know what is waiting for the government of my country Spain to act judicially and police with measures that sooner or later will have to do and better soon that late. These people in this month want to gain time, not to negotiate but to move the threads of Europe and how, by doing what they are doing, to lie. jl