Yo desde aquí quiero felicitar a mi presidente Mariano Rajoy y a su mano derecha la presidenta en funciones de Cataluña Soraya Saenz de Santamaria por los aciertos en la crisis catalana yo no lo hubiera hecho mejor, sigo diciendo que Soraya es una mujer muy inteligente. En estos días yo lo he pasado mal como muchos españoles, pero parece que las aguas han vuelto a su cauce. Me alegro seguir sintiendo a los catalanes tan españoles como yo darles mucho animo que entre todos superaremos esto que con la reforma constitucional augurada por el PSOE vais a tener no solo la autonomía sino un gran auto gobierno, deciros que irán poquito a poco regresando las empresas y deciros que seguís siendo europeos. Dicen que no hay un mal que por bien no venga y es que con esta crisis todos nos hemos sentido mas españoles y hemos querido mas a nuestra tierra que es la vuestra y mía CATALUÑA. jl
From here I want to congratulate my president Mariano Rajoy and on his right the acting president of Catalonia Soraya Saenz de Santamaria for the successes in the Catalan crisis I would not have done better, I keep saying that Soraya is a very intelligent woman. These days I have had a bad time like many Spaniards, but it seems that the waters have returned to their course. I am glad to continue feeling the Catalans as much as I encourage them that we will overcome this with the constitutional reform predicted by the PSOE will not only have autonomy but a great self government, tell you that little by little businesses will return and tell you that you are still European. They say that there is not a bad thing that does not come and it is that with this crisis we have all felt more Spanish and we have loved more our land that is yours and mine CATALONIA. jl
From here I want to congratulate my president Mariano Rajoy and on his right the acting president of Catalonia Soraya Saenz de Santamaria for the successes in the Catalan crisis I would not have done better, I keep saying that Soraya is a very intelligent woman. These days I have had a bad time like many Spaniards, but it seems that the waters have returned to their course. I am glad to continue feeling the Catalans as much as I encourage them that we will overcome this with the constitutional reform predicted by the PSOE will not only have autonomy but a great self government, tell you that little by little businesses will return and tell you that you are still European. They say that there is not a bad thing that does not come and it is that with this crisis we have all felt more Spanish and we have loved more our land that is yours and mine CATALONIA. jl