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martes, 30 de junio de 2020

"La app de rastreo nos permitirá ver cuántos contactos de riesgo ha habido para anticipar rebrotes"

Desde el comienzo, los virólogos han aplaudido el uso en Singapur o en Corea del Sur de aplicaciones de móvil que permitían controlar a los contagios, alertar a los ciudadanos de que había estado cerca de alguien con coronavirus, a la par otras voces alertaban de la pérdida de intimidad, pero los virólogos insisten: es útil.

El Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital ha arrancado hoy la primera fase del piloto de la app de alerta de contagios. Se llama Radar Covid y se estrena en San Sebastián de La Gomera, la capital de la isla de La Gomera.

"Es una aplicación móvil, de descarga voluntaria, respeta la privacidad e identidad de la persona que se descarga la aplicación", explica Carme Artigas, Secretaria de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial. "No geolocaliza a nadie, no se sabe dónde estás, se sabe únicamente si has podido entrar en contacto con una persona que ha sido diagnosticada como positivo en coronavirus. Su gran utilidad es tener una alerta temprana de posibles riesgos de contagio", añade.

El rincón de Alex


lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Presenter: Marisa Rivera Motivational Speaker, Leadership and Empowerment Consultant, Column writer and Executive Coach

Join Marisa Rivera in a three part Leadership LIVE series of webinars designed to help you gain clarity of mind, heal your heart and empower you to lead with authenticity from the inside out. The world has gone through a major shift and so have we. This is a Leadership series designed for you to gain insights on how you can create change through courageous leadership.

This series will help you:
  • Reclaim Your Personal Power to Lead
  • Gain self-confidence and drive to succeed
  • Let go of what is holding you back and
  • Provide you with the tools and motivation to manifest it
These workshops are a gift to yourself   
Take time out of your busy schedule to focus on YOU!
Session One:
Reclaiming Your Personal Power 
June 24, 2020
4:00 - 5:00 PM (EST)
Taking charge and recharging using your personal powers. This powerful and inspiring self-discovery workshop will discuss:

  • Seven sources of personal power needed to sustain your personal growth
  • The Human response to change cycle
  • An empowerment model to help you manifest what you want

Session Two:
Healing Before Leading
JULY 1, 2020
4:00 - 5:00 PM (EST)
Every leader needs to have the ability to heal himself/herself before healing others. As leaders we must check our internal compass to be able to be centered and lead others.
In this very personal and impactful workshop you will learn how to let go of things that no longer serve you and open the space for what you want to attract in your life.

We will focus on:
  • Identifying your core and limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Teach you the tools that you can use to let go and heal wounds from the past
  • Techniques that will help you Focus on leading in the NOW - The Present

Session Three:
Visualising Your Leadership in Times of Crisis
July 8, 2020
4:00 - 5:00 PM (EST)
Leadership is a Call to Action. Having clarity of purpose and a vision of what you want as the outcome will help you achieve the ultimate goal. We will guide you to envision what you most desire out of life, and a plan to achieve it.

In this hands-on, session we will use:
  • Guided visualization exercise,
  • Goal setting & Affirmations and
  • Vision board creation
We will celebrate YOUR new plan to reclaiming YOUR POWER!

Presenter: Marisa Rivera
Motivational Speaker, Leadership and Empowerment Consultant, Column writer and Executive Coach

This three part series builds upon each other and are part of Marisa Rivera's Leadership Retreats

(703) 999-4122

Marisa Rivera Digital Business Card 2019
Marisa Rivera| Digital Business Card
With the global pandemic and the global uprising against social and racial injustices, we are called for some deep and transformational conversations. Leadership Starts with YOU - From the Inside Out!

Cost: $50.00 each workshop
Register for all three and get a 1/2 price credit for one of them!

June 24, July 1, July 8, 2020
Time: 4:00 – 5:00 PM (EST)
Location: - Your Place

All sessions are LIVE Online, with recording available
to be view at your convenience
Any questions contact Marisa@Mpowerment Works
Mpowerment Works logo
Contact Mpowerment Works, LLC | (703) 999-4122
Mpowerment Works, LLC | S Ocean DriveHallandale Beach, FL 33009
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Ante la inminencia de una cita en las urnas, la política se comporta como los conductores cuando ven un coche de la Guardia Civil de Tráfico: aflojan en el pie del acelerador, repasan a toda prisa el código de comportamiento: cinturón ajustado, no teléfono móvil, formalidad de los niños... y adoptan la actitud del ciudadano modelo que dura hasta que el coche de la Guardia Civil se aleja o toma un desvío.
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