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jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Ole por Rosa Maria Mateos directora de TVE. Análisis politico de José Luis

Resultado de imagen de fotos de abascalResultado de imagen de fotos de otegi

Tanto Vox como Bildu tienen derecho de estar en las instituciones mientras cumplan la Constitución, y lo prefiero antes de que trabajen en la clandestinidad. Y tienen el derecho de hablar por los medios los unos, como los otros. A mi personalmente no se me puede decir ni pio: pues fui un luchador contra ETA y contra todo terrorismo: ayer, hoy y siempre. Ademas de pasar 8 minutos que para mi quedan. Pisandome los talones 5 terroristas de ETA y gracias a Dios y a la Guardia Civil salí indemne. jl

Posdata: mi felicitación total a Rosa pues no se deja manipular por nada ni por nadie, cosa que hago yo, NO DEJANDOME MANIPULAR.

Both Vox and Bildu have the right to be in institutions while complying with the Constitution, and I prefer it before they work in hiding. And they have the right to speak through the media, just like the others. To me personally I can not be said or pious: because I was a fighter against ETA and against all terrorism: yesterday, today and forever. In addition to spend 8 minutes that remain for me. Standing on the heels of ETA terrorists and thank God and the Civil Guard I left unharmed. j
Both Vox and Bildu have the right to be in institutions while complying with the Constitution, and I prefer it before they work in hiding. And they have the right to speak through the media, just like the others. To me personally I can not be said or pious: because I was a fighter against ETA and against all terrorism: yesterday, today and forever. In addition to spend 8 minutes that remain for me. Standing on the heels of ETA terrorists and thank God and the Civil Guard I left unharmed. jl

Postscript: my total congratulations to Rosa because she does not allow herself to be manipulated by anything or anyone, which I do.

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