Estoy viendo a un gobierno catalán que si sabe lo que quiere y es la independencia de España. Y por otro lado estoy viendo a un gobierno de mi patria España débil y ineficaz. Y se porque digo esto y os doy las señales. La justicia puede tener todas las leyes que quiera pero sino tiene detecciones malo y si las tiene y las suelta acto seguido malo y sobre todo cuando son actos graves como es una sedición malo. Cuando se pone al frente de una policía a un solo mando y se confía en la policía autonómica y se la pone en el puesto más delicado malo. Cuando Puigdemont burla la vigilancia desde el aire metiéndose en un túnel y cambia de coche malo. Para mi la coordinación policial de un mando unico, un cero patatero. Mucho me temo que el devenir de los acontecimientos nos aboca a que el Ejército intervenga, se ponga en contra la ONU, Mercado Común o san ripichichin bendito. Y lo que es más duro y con esto me despido si me dan a elegir entre el golpe del 23F y el del 7 de octubre me quedo con el primero. Miren la democracia triunfo con Suárez después la han devaluado. Y otra cosa no soy franquista, ni fascista, ni nazi pues soy de izquierdas, pero llegó a la triste conclusión de que a Franco le están haciendo santo esta gente que nos gobierna y otra cosa más dura él supo entender al conglomerado que es España. Lo que quiero dar a entender es o el tema catalán lo solucionan los políticos o el Ejército lo tendrá que solucionar, punto y coma. jl
I am seeing a Catalan government that if it knows what it wants and it is the independence of Spain. And on the other hand I am seeing a government of my fatherland Spain weak and ineffective. And I know because I say this and give you the signs. Justice can have all the laws that it wants but if it has bad detections and if it has them and then it releases them badly and especially when they are serious acts as it is a bad sedition. When one puts to the front of a police to a single command and it relies on the autonomic police and puts it in the most delicate bad position. When Puigdemont mocks surveillance from the air in a tunnel and changes bad cars. For me, the police coordination of a single command, a zero potato. I am very much afraid that the events are causing us to intervene, to oppose the UN, the Common Market or the blessed ripichichin. And what is harder and with this I say goodbye if I have to choose between the blow of 23F and that of October 7 I stay with the first. Look at the democracy triumph with Suarez after they have devalued it. And another thing I am not Franco, fascist, or Nazi because I am leftist, but came to the sad conclusion that Franco are making these people holy who governs us and another thing tougher he understood the conglomerate that is Spain. What I want to imply is either the Catalan issue is solved by politicians or the Army will have to solve it, semicolon. jl
I am seeing a Catalan government that if it knows what it wants and it is the independence of Spain. And on the other hand I am seeing a government of my fatherland Spain weak and ineffective. And I know because I say this and give you the signs. Justice can have all the laws that it wants but if it has bad detections and if it has them and then it releases them badly and especially when they are serious acts as it is a bad sedition. When one puts to the front of a police to a single command and it relies on the autonomic police and puts it in the most delicate bad position. When Puigdemont mocks surveillance from the air in a tunnel and changes bad cars. For me, the police coordination of a single command, a zero potato. I am very much afraid that the events are causing us to intervene, to oppose the UN, the Common Market or the blessed ripichichin. And what is harder and with this I say goodbye if I have to choose between the blow of 23F and that of October 7 I stay with the first. Look at the democracy triumph with Suarez after they have devalued it. And another thing I am not Franco, fascist, or Nazi because I am leftist, but came to the sad conclusion that Franco are making these people holy who governs us and another thing tougher he understood the conglomerate that is Spain. What I want to imply is either the Catalan issue is solved by politicians or the Army will have to solve it, semicolon. jl