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martes, 26 de abril de 2022

J. S. Bach – 6 English Suites BWV 806–811 - Glenn Gould

In June 1976, shortly after completing this recording, Gould suffered the first symptoms of a severe illness that began with difficulties of coordination and gradually affected his entire organism. Although he charted the illness in a journal, he never spoke to anyone about it: “It is quite possible, even likely, however, that it had a psychological base.” It had no noticeable impact on his piano playing. I've created this aggregate of all of the Bach's suites in the English style for my personal use and I'm more than happy to share it with people that appreciate Glenn Gould's estatic interpretation of these ingenious pieces as much as I do. I've gathered the entire 46 movements into one video just so I don't have to download all of them one by one on my phone for everyday listening.

Arthur Teboul & Baptiste Trotignon au Piano Day - @ARTE Concert

#FEUCHATTERTON #ARTHURTEBOUL #BAPTISTETROTIGNON Nouvelle rencontre, nouvelle création : Arthur Teboul (flamboyant leader des Feu ! Chatterton) et le pianiste jazz @Baptiste Trotignon associent poésie et musique pour le Piano Day d’ARTE Concert. Arthur H et Vanessa Wagner avaient subjugué la première édition du Piano Day d’ARTE Concert - en 2020 au Théâtre du Châtelet – lors d’une performance où les mots de Jacques Prévert, Yves Bonnefoy ou encore Arthur Rimbaud rencontraient la musique de Philipp Glass, William Susman et Bryce Dessner. C’est aujourd’hui au tour d’Arthur Teboul et de Baptiste Trotignon de se prêter à l’exercice. Cette collaboration entre le charismatique chanteur de Feu ! Chatterton et l’éminent pianiste permet ainsi à la poésie de Louis Aragon et Bernard Dimey de se poser sur les notes d'un piano. Une rencontre du plus bel effet, réhaussée par la réinterprétation de chansons de Barbara, Henri Salvador ou encore Jacques Brel pour un concert hors du temps, entre chanson française et envolées pianistiques. Setlist : 00 :00 Je ne peux plus dire "je t'aime" (Jacques Higelin) 00 :04 Scenic Railway (Serge Gainsbourg) 07 :08 La ville s'endormait (Jacques Brel) 11 :57 Le Goudron (Brigitte Fontaine) 17 :14 Syracuse (Henri Salvador) 20 :56 Gottingen (Barbara) 24 :51 A mourir pour mourir (Barbara) 27 :38 Jealous Guy (John Lennon) 30 :34 Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux (Georges Brassens - Louis Aragon) 34 :55 Une chanson douce (Henri Salvador) Concert filmé le 1er mars 2022 dans le Campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (Jussieu), Paris.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2022

El escritor Gregorio Manzur con Jordi Batallé en RFI

Grabación del programa de Jordi Batallé con el escritor y periodista argentino Gregorio Manzur por la publicación de su libro "Le souffle du chi" por la editorial francesa Albin Michel, en los estudios de Radio Francia Internacional en París.

Monteverdi | Marienvesper

Marienvesper SV 206 von Claudio Monteverdi aufgeführt von Venice Monteverdi Academy und Orchester Lorenzo da Ponte unter der Leitung von Roberto Zarpellon MUSIK SOMMER PUSTERTAL 29.08.2017 Stiftskirche Innichen

"La Verbena De La Paloma" Zarzuela Completa

"La Verbena De La Paloma" Zarzuela, libreto de Ricardo de la Vega y música de Tomás Bretón. Grabación efectuada en el Teatro Calderón de Madrid en 1995 Elenco: Director musical: Jose A. Irastorza Susana: María Rodríguez Julian: Carlos Marín Rita: Guadalupe Sánchez Don Hilarión: Enrique del Portal. Tía Antonia: Pepa Rosado Tabernero: Pepe Ruíz D.Sebastián: Emilio Carretero Cantaora: Lola Merino Mozo 2º: David Muro Casta: Amelia Font Mozo 1º: Pedro Pablo Juárez Ballet Alhambra

Gala Concert: International Classical Music Awards | Orchestre Philharmo...

A gala concert at the International Classical Music Awards: the ICMA will take place on April 21, 2022, and will feature a special concert at the Philharmonie Luxembourg. The award-winners themselves will be performing the concert program. Conductors Adam Fischer (lifetime achievement award) and Jakub Hrůša (symphony music award), violinists Julian Kainrath and Gennaro Cardaropoli (both young artist of the year award winners), pianist Michael Korstick (award for special achievements) and tenor Edgardo Rocha (choir music award) as well as the Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, which itself received the award for contemporary music, will all be participating. The International Classical Music Awards are taking place for the 12th time this year, with prizes in 26 categories. The jury is made up of representatives from 15 European countries. In addition to musicians, awards are also given to albums, labels and music documentaries. Deutsche Welle will also be celebrating its win for the music documentary “A World Without Beethoven?” in the Video Documentaries category. The jury stated: “A world without Beethoven? It’s simply unimaginable. In Martin Roddewig’s film, the famous horn player Sarah Willis of the Berliner Philharmoniker travels through the realms of rock and classical music, jazz and film scores. In interviews with musicians and managers, the documentary shows how profoundly Beethoven’s innovations have shaped the music of centuries to come. This film is witty and highly entertaining.” “A World Without Beethoven?” is yet another music documentary that is not to be missed:

domingo, 24 de abril de 2022


Les va a encantar esta historia ❤ HISTORIA DE UN SUPERABOGADO, DONDE UNA CRISIS ESPIRITUAL LE LLEVA A CUESTIONARSE SOBRE LA VIDA 😃 el hombre en busca de sentido audiolibro completo en español voz humana 😏 La Maquina del Tiempo H. G. Wells / Audiolibro en español completo 🧐

Elecciones presidenciales de Francia 2022: actualizaciones en directo

Maria-João Pires plays Mozart - @ARTE Concert

La pianiste Maria-João Pires s’associe à l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo pour donner au Festival de Pâques d’Aix-en-Provence un concert rythmé par la musique de Mozart, Mendelssohn et Schumann. La pianiste d’origine portugaise Maria-João Pires est de retour à Aix-en-Provence pour y jouer le Concerto pour piano n° 9 en mi bémol majeur de Mozart. Grande connaisseuse du répertoire mozartien, la soliste livre sur la scène du Grand Théâtre de Provence une interprétation vive et épurée de cette œuvre célébrée dès sa création pour son inventivité. Fidèle à l’esprit d’ouverture du Festival de Pâques d’Aix-en-Provence, ce concert fait également la part belle à la musique romantique. Sous la direction de Kazuki Yamada en effet, l’Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo interprète l’ouverture du Songe d’une nuit d’été de Felix Mendelssohn et la Symphonie n° 1 en si bémol majeur de Robert Schumann. Programme : Felix Mendelssohn - Ein Sommernachtstraum (Le Songe d’une nuit d’été), ouverture, op. 21 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Concerto pour piano n° 9 en mi bémol majeur « Jeunehomme », K. 271 Robert Schumann - Symphonie n° 1 en si bémol majeur, « Le Printemps », op. 38 Concert filmé le 10 avril 2022 au Grand Théâtre de Provence, Aix-en-Provence.

Santa Misa en el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia 24 de abril de 2022 P...

sábado, 23 de abril de 2022

El dibujante argentino Sergio Moscona expone de nuevo en París

"Los Gavilanes" Zarzuela.Segunda parte

Los Gavilanes,zarzuela en tres actos con música de Jacinto Guerrero y libreto de José Ramos Martín. Grabación realizada durante la temporada lírica del Teatro Buero Vallejo de Guadalajara del año 2003. Elenco: Director musical: Tulio Gagliardo Juan: Ismael Pons Adriana: Milagros Martín Gustavo: Enrique Ferrer Rosaura: Helena Gallardo Clariván: Rafael Castejón Triquet: José Luis Gago Camilo: CArmelo Peña Renata: Pepa Rosado Leontina: Ester Gastaldi Aldeanas: África Rodríguez, Begoña Álvarez Emma: Chita Ruíz Nita:Lucía Martín Pescadores: José Mª Santos y Jeroboam Tejera Coro y ballet de Miramón Mendi

Schubert: Symphony No. 8, Unfinished | Iván Fischer & Budapest Festival ...

Unfinished and yet the most famous: Symphony in B minor “Unfinished” by Franz Schubert performed by the Budapest Festival Orchestra (BFO) conducted by Iván Fischer. The concert took place on February 28, 2014 at the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall in Budapest. (00:00) I. Allegro moderato (15:00) II. Andante con moto Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828) had already composed six complete symphonies by 1820, all of which were successors to the works of the great classical symphonists Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. It was followed by symphony drafts which Schubert then abandoned. Only from the third draft did he complete two movements in 1822, including orchestration. Of a third movement – the Scherzo – only a few bars exist. Although the two completed movements of this B minor symphony have gone down in history as “Unfinished,” they appear to be self-contained. No wonder, therefore, did Schubert send it as a symphony to the Steiermärkischer Musikverein in Graz in 1823, which had appointed him an honorary member. It is possible that Schubert himself was convinced of the completed character of the two symphonic movements. Beginning in 1825, he again worked on a four-movement symphony, later known as the “Great Symphony in C Major”. Judging by the order in which they were written, the “Unfinished” symphony would have to be considered Schubert’s 7th symphony, and the “Great” his 8th. However, in his complete published works, Schubert’s symphonies were numbered according to the order in which they were found and first performed, so that it has become customary to refer to the “Great Symphony in C major” (D 944) as the seventh and the “Unfinished” (D 759) as Symphony No. 8 in B minor. In more recent sources, the reverse numbering is occasionally found. The Symphony in B minor was not premiered until 1865, after Schubert had already been dead for 37 years. Even the premiere was a sensational success, and to this day the “Unfinished” is an absolute favorite with audiences. It is considered the first “Romantic” symphony ever because it contains much that is musically new. Its opening alone, with the mysterious and almost threatening ascending and descending melody in the low strings, builds up a tension that is maintained until the end of the two movements. Both movements are similar not only in tempo but also in structure. Somber, ominous passages are followed by sultry, homely ländler, which in turn break off abruptly, so that positive melodic lines always prove deceptive. Although the second movement seems more optimistic overall, the thematic blocks always take unexpected turns. But still, the symphony fragment ends in a kind of chorale in which the conflicting themes are reconciled.


viernes, 22 de abril de 2022

Los realizadores peruanos Luis Basurto y Henri Vallejo genios del cine a...

El realizador peruano Luis Basurto presenta este jueves en el Festival de Cine peruano de París su película ‘Las Colmenas’, en la misma velada que Henri Vallejo presenta ‘Manco Cápac’, su película seleccionada para representar a Perú en los Oscars de Hollywood 2022.